Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Agasiev A.A. , Akhundov Ch.G. , Eivazova G.M. , Mamedov M.Z. Electro conductivity of Si4TiO3 films with intergrain barriers. Physica B. North - Holland. 1991.- v. 173. -p. 419-422.
  2. Agasiev A.A., Orbukh V.I. , Mamedov M.Z. Peculiarities of ofBi4Ti3O12 Electricalfilms grown by DC magnetron sputtering. J.Phys.III., France . - 1994. - v. 4.-p. 2521-2529.
  3. Agasiev A.A. , Muradov M.B. , Mamedov M.Z. Electrical Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Bi4Ti3O12 films.J.Phys.III., France . - 1996. - v. 4.-p. 853-861.
  4. Agasiev A.A., Mamedov M.Z. Electricalproperties of polycrystalline films ofBi4Ti3O12.Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences J. Transactions, series of Physical-mathematical and technical Sciences Physics and astronomy, v.XXIV, N2.,p.127-131., -2004.
  5. Agasiev A.A. , Panakhov M.M., Mamedov M.Z. Conduct ace of semi conductive films on the segnetoelectric substrates. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences J. Transactions, series of Physical-mathematical and technical Sciences Physics and astronomy, v.XXVI, N2.,p.137-139, -2006.
  6. Agasiev A.A. , Panakhov M.M., Mamedov M.Z. Obtaining of SrTiO3 films by the method of magnetron sputtering from liquid phase. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences J. Transactions, series of Physical - mathematical and technical Sciences Physics and astronomy, v.XXVI, N2.,p.110-114, -2006.
  7. Agasiev A.A., Panakhov M.M., Mamedov M.Z., The conductity of the semiconductive film on the ferroelectric. The Rssion Acad. Of Sci., Nano – and microsystem technique. №2, 2007, pp.22-24.
  8. Agasiev A.A., Panakhov M.M., Mamedov M.Z., The temperature dependence of optical absorption in conductive films of SrTiO3 . The Rssion Acad. of sci., Nano – and microsystem technique. №10, 2007, pp.17-19.
  9. Rustamov F.A., Mamedov M.Z., Darvishov N.H., , Muradov S.R., Bobrova E.Y.. Prepatation and photoluminescence in p-type macroporous silicon.ANAS, Transactions. 2009, v.XXIX, No. 5, pp.132-135.
  10. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Mamedov M.Z., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Influence of acetic acid on the process of stain porous silicon formation at oxidant insufficiency. Azerb. J. Phys. 16, No. 3-4, 2010, pp. 89-91.
  11. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Mamedov M.Z., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Porous silicon bandgap broadening at natural oxidation. J. Lumin. 131, 2011, pp. 2078 - 2082.
  12. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Mamedov M.Z., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Formation of lateral homogeneous stain etched porous silicon with acetic acid at oxidant insufficiency. Azerb. J. Phys. 18, No. 3, 2012, pp. 44 - 49.
  13. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Bagiev V.E., Mamedov M.Z., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Influence of final treatment on the incubation period and antireflection properties of stain etched porous silicon. Phys. Status Solidi A. 210, No. 10, 2013, pp. 2174 - 2177.
  14. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Bagiev V.E., MamedoM.Z., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Determination of size and bandgap distributions of Si nanoparticles from photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra in n-type stain etched porous silicon. J. Lumin. 154, 2014, pp.224–228.
  15. Rustamov F.A., Darvishov N.H., Mamedov M.Z., Eyvazova G.M., Bobrova E.Y., Qafarova H.O.. Reversible quenching of photoluminescence in stain etched porous silicon at HNO3 posttreatment and role of oxygen bonds. Journal of Luminescence. 195 (2018) 49-53