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  1. Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Safarova N.A., Agamalieva L.F., High accuracy algorithms to the solution of the optimal output feedback problem for the linear systems, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Vol. 13, N.3, 2012, pp.207-214 (impact factor 0,54).
  2. Agamalieva L.F., Aliev F.A., Velieva N.I., Algorithms for factorization of the irregular matrix polynomials using symbolic computations, TWMS J. Pure Appl. Math., V.4, N.1, 2013, pp.103-109. (Clavirate /Analytics, ESCI).
  3. Agamalieva L.F., Aliev F.A., Velieva N.I., Approximate Factorization of Matrix Polynomials with applications to the Synthesis Problems, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, Tome 58(106) No. 4, 2015, pp.371-382 (Impact Factor: 0.452)
  4. Aliev F.A., Gasimov Y.S., Velieva N.I., Agamalieva L.F., High accuracy algorithms to solution of the discrete synthesis problems with measurement errors, Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola Journal, Volume 30, Issue 5, 2015, pp.29-36.
  5. Velieva N.I., Agamalieva L.F., MATLAB-based algorithm to solving an optimal stabilization problem for the descriptor systems, Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, Vol.5, No.2, 2017, pp. 80-85 (Scopus).
  6. Gasimov Y.S., Agamalieva L.F., Aliyeva A. Numerical algorithm to solution of a shape design problem, The Third International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering Dedicated to the 80th Birthday of David Gordeziani, AMINSE 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia, December 6-9, 2017.
  7. Gasimov Y., Pashayev A., Agamalieva L.F., Azizov B., Lacinova V., Smerek M., Application of Decision-Making Expert Systems in Transportation, Naše More-International Journal of Maritime & Technology, Vol.66, No3, 2019, pp. 130-134 (Clavirate /Analytics, ESCI).
  8. Anqi Zhang, Roghayeh Moallem Ganji, Hossein Jafari, Mahuli Naisbitt Ncube and Latifa Agamalieva. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF DISTRIBUTED ORDER INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Fractals, Vol. 30, No. 05, 2240123 (2022) WOS Q1.
  9. Guanqi Tao, Jalil Manafian, Onur Alp İlhan, Syed Maqsood Zia, Latifa Agamalieva. Abundant soliton wave solutions for the (3+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient nonlinear wave equation in liquid with gas bubbles by bilinear analysis. Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 36, No. 03, 2150565 (2022) WOS Q2.
  10. Agamalieva, L., Gasimov, Y.S., Nápoles-Valdes, J.E. On a generalization of the Wirtinger inequality and some its application. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica, 2023, 68(2), pp. 237–247. (WoS IF 0,4; Scopus)
  11. Annaghiili, S.M., Efendiev, R.F., Gasimov, Y.S., Agamalieva, L.F. On multiple eigenfunction expansion of an operator pencil with complex almost periodic potentials, Stochastic Modelling and Computational Sciences, 2023, 3(1), pp. 75–84 (Scopus).