- Aynura Karimova, Habiba Shirinova, Gurbanli Nargiz, Sevinj Nuriyeva, Lala Gahramanli (2023), Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Iron Oxide (Fe3O4 ) Nanoparticles with Different Polymer Coating Agents, Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography, (IF:0.86);
- Lala Gahramanli, Mustafa Muradov, Ofeliya Balayeva, Goncha Eyvazova (2022) Structural, Optical, and Electric Properties of CdxZn1-xS Sonochemical and Sılar Methods, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, (IF: 3.518);https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-022-02458- y
- Lala Gahramanli, Mustafa Muradov, Yashar Azizian, Goncha Eyvazova, Ofeliya Balayeva (2022), The impact of electrolyte solution concentrations on the optical characteristics of CdS nanoparticles, International Journal of Modern Physics B, (IF: 1.404); https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217979223501035
- Mustafa Muradov, Qönçə Eyvazova, Lalə Qəhrəmanlı (2022) Silar üsulu ilə alınmış CdxZn1-xS əsasında nanomaterialların fiziki xassələri, Bakı Universitetinin Xəbərləri: Fizika-Riyaziyyat elmləri ser.
- R.QƏHRƏMANLI, (2021) CdxZn1-xS əsasında nanomaterialların silar üsulu ilə alınması və quruluş xassələri, Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının xəbərləri Fizika-texnika və riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, fizika və astronomiya.
- Gahramanli, M. Muradov, Á.Kukovecz, O.Balayeva, G.Eyvazova, (2020) Influence of stabilizers on the structure and properties of CdxZn1–xS nanoparticles by sonochemical method, Journal of Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry,(IF: 1.716);https://doi.org/10.1080/24701556.2020.1725050
- R.Gahramanli, M.B.Muradov, O. O.Balayeva, I.N.Nasibov, G. M.Eyvazova, I. R.Amiraslanov, Z.A.Aghamaliyev, (2020) Formation mechanism of CdxZn1-xS/PVA nanocomposites by SILAR method, Journal of Results in Physics, (IF: 4.54 );https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103280
- R.Gahramanli,M.B.Muradov,O.O.Balayeva,G.M.Eyvazova,R. M.Mirsultanova, (2020) Role of temperature in the growth and formation of CdxZn1-xS/PVA nanocomposites through SILAR method Journal of Materials Research Bulletin, (IF: 4.58); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2020.111162
- Gahramanli, (2020) Review:Photoluminescence properties of undoped and Eu3+ doped ZnS nanomaterials,NNC RK Bulletin Research and technology review national nuclear center of the republic of Kazakhstan;
- Gahramanli, (2020) Review:Photoluminescence properties of undoped and Eu3+ doped CdS nanomaterials, NNC RK Bulletin Research and technology review national nuclear center of the republic of Kazakhstan;
- Gahramanli, M.Muradov, O.Balayeva, G.Eyvazova, N.Dadashova, (2019) The influence of temperature and concentration of solutions to physical properties of CuxS nanoparticles, Journal of Chalcogenide Letters, (IF: 0.885);
- Gahramanli, M.Muradov, G.Eyvazova, (2019) Structural and optical properties of Zinc Selenide crystal modified by ion-exchange method, Journal of Ovonic Research,(IF: 1.165 );
- Gahramanli, M.Muradov, Á Kukovecz, O Balayeva, G Eyvazova, S Nuriyeva, (2019) The influence of ion exchange оf CdS nanoparticles with Ag+ ions to physical properties of CdS nanoparticles, Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses;
- R.Gahramanli, M.B. Muradov, Á. Kukovecz, O.O. Balayeva, G.M. Eyvazova, S.Z. Huseynli, H.A. Shirinova, (2019) Influence of concentration of Ag+ ions in solutions to physical properties of CdS nanoparticles, Journal of Low dimensional Systems;
- Lala R. Qahramanli, Mustafa B.Muradov, Ofeliya O.Balayeva, Abdulsaid A.Azizov, Abel M.Maharramov, Goncha M.Eyvazova, Zohrab A.Aghamaliyev, (2018) Synthesis and characterization of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles by sonochemical method, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology,(IF: 2.638);https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infrared.2018.01.014
- Mustafa Muradov, Qonche Eyvazova, Lale Qahramanli, Muhammed Baghir Baghirov, Elchin Huseynov, Orkhan İsmayilov, Influence of Gamma Irradiation on Structure and Band Gap of Graphene Oxide (GO) and GO/PVA Nanostructures, 9th Int. Conf. on Mat. Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, Sep 22-24, 2022;
- Ofeliya O. Balayeva, Narmin N. Imamaliyeva, Abdulsaid A. Azizov, Mustafa B. Muradov , Rasim M. Alosmanov , Lala R. Gahramanli , Goncha M. Eyvazova , Sevinc J. Mammadyarova , Mirheydar H. Abbasov, Sevinc G. Nuriyeva , Nazim M. Sadigov , Mahammadali I. Abdullayev, SILAR Synthesis of CuCdS2 Nanostructures for Photocatalytic Applications, 9th Int. Conf. on Mat. Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation, Gazi Universitety, Ankara, Turkey, Sep 22-24, 2022;
- Ofeliya O. Balayeva, Abdulsaid A. Azizov, Mustafa B.Muradov, Rasim M.Alosmanov, Lala R. Gahramanli, Sevinj J.Mammadyarova, Goncha M.Eyvazova, Mirheydar H. Abbasov, Nazim M. Sadigov, Mahammadali I. Abdullayev, Sima M.Zulfugarova. Crystal structure, Adsorption of patent blue v food dye by ZnAl-LDH/PVA nanocomposite. Ases II International Health, Engineering, and Sciences Conference August 19 -22, 2022, Kayseri, Türkiyə;
- Gahramanli, L.R., Muradov, M.B., Eyvazova, G.M., Balayeva, O.O, Influence of the environment to optical properties of CdS nanoparticles, 3rd ICLLT, 25-27 May 2022, Ankara, Türkiyə;
- Ofeliya Balayeva, Abdulsaid Azizov, Mustafa Muradov, Rasim Alosmanov, Lala Gahramanli, Sevinj Mammadyarova, Mirheydar Abbasov, ZnAl-LDH nanocomposite obtained with and without PVA, ASES Intern. Health, Engıneering and Sciences Congress, May 7-8, 2022, Ankara, Türkiye;
- Gahramanli, L.R., Balayeva, O.O., Azizov, A.A., Muradov, M.B., Mammadova, S.F., Alosmanov, R.M., and Allahyarova, S.Y., Controllable synthesis of NixZn1-xS nanoparticles on the base of NiZnAl Layered Double Hydroxide/PVA composite matrix, 2nd International Conference on Light and LightBased Technologies (ICLLT), 26-28 May, 2021, Ankara, Türkiyə;
- Muradov M.B, Eyvazova Q.M, L.Gahramanli, Influence of various technological factors on the optical properties of CdxZn1-xS nanoparticles, 2nd International Conference on Light and Light- Based Technologies (ICLLT), 26-28 May, 2021, Ankara, Türkiyə;
- Gahramanli, M.Muradov, O.Balayeva, G.Eyvazova, Synthesis and characterization of CdxZn1-xS/PVA nanocomposites by SILAR method, Azerbaijan National academy of sciences council of young scientists and specialists ANAS-75, Second international scientific conference of young scientists and specialist Multidisciplinary approaches in solving modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences, 2020, Baku, Azərbaycan;
- Gahramanli L.R, Mukhamedova Z, Muradov M.B, Eyvazova G.M.,Balayeva O.O., Rzayeva L., Optical and structural properties of Cd5Zn0.5S nanoparticles, 1st Int.science and engineering conference, 2018, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Gahramanli, Muradov M.B. Nasibov I.N. Eyvazova G.M, Growth of CdxZn1-xS nanoparticles by layered sorption method of ions (SILAR METHOD), NANO 2018, 5th International Conference Nanotechnologies, 2018, Tbilisi, Gürcüstan;
- R.Gahramanli, Muradov M.B. Mukhamedova Z.M. Eyvazova G.M Maharramov A., (2018) Optical properties of Ag-doped CdS nanoparticles synthesized by sonochemical method, NANO 2018, 5th International Conference Nanotechnologies,2018, Tbilisi, Gürcüstan;
- R.Gahramanli, S.J.Mammadyarova, A.M.Maharramov, M.B.Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova, O.O.Balayeva, Z.A.Aghamaliyev, Synthesis of Co3O4 thin films by SİLAR method at different substrates, NANO 2018, 5th International Conference Nanotechnologies, 2018, Tbilisi, Gürcüstan;
- R.Gahramanli, I.N.Nasibov, M.B.Muradov, Á.Kukovecz, A.M. Maharramov, O.O. Balayeva, G.M. Eyvazova, S.G Nuriyeva, I.R.Amiraslanov, Synthesis and properties of CdxZn1-xS nanoparticles by sonochemical method, NANO 2018. 5th International Conference Nanotechnologies, 2018, Tbilisi, Gürcüstan;
- R.Qəhramanlı, O.O.Balayeva, A.Ə.Əzizov, M.B.Muradov, R.C.Qasımıv, Z.X.Dadaşov, Effects of annealing temperature on the properties of NiS/FNBR nanocomposites, Kataliz və qeyri-üzvi Kimya Institutu 80, 2016, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhrəmanlı, M.B.Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova, Kobalt sulfid nanohissəciklərinin sonokimyəvi üsulla sintezinə müxtəlif reaksiya şəraitinin təsiri, IX Бакинская международная Мамедалиевская конференция по нефтехимии. Национальная академия наук Азербайджана. Институт нефтехимических процессов имени академика Юсифа Мамедалиева,2016, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhrəmanlı, O.O.Balayeva, Arqon mühitində CoS2 nanohissəciklərinin sonokimyəvi üsulla sintezi və onların elektrik xassələri, Magistrantların və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Fizika və astronomiya problemləri» XVIII Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, 2016, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhramanlı, O.O.Balayeva, A.Ə.Əzizov, M.B.Muradov, R.C.Qasımıv, Z.X.Dadaşov, Nis/FNK nanokompozitini vakuumda və havada 100-180 temperaturlarda qızdırmaqla termiki aşılanmanın öyrənilməsi, Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93-cü ildönümünə həsr olunmuş, magistr və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Kimyanın aktual problemləri» X Respublika Elmi Konfransının materialları, 2016, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhrəmanlı, M.B.Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova, O.O.Balayeva, Termiki aşılanmanın sonokimyəvi üsulla alınmış kobalt sulfid nanohissəciklərinin fiziki xassələrinə təsiri, IV International Scientific conference of young researchers, 2016, Qafqaz University, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhrəmanlı, A.A.Azizov, M.B.Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova, N.O.Balayeva, O.O.Balayeva, S.Q.Nuriyeva, Synthesis of CuxS-CoxSy-FNBR nanocomposites by ion-exchange method, IV International Scientific conference of young researchers, 2016, Qafqaz University, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhramanlı, Laylı ion hemosorb-siyası ilə alınmış CoS nanohissəciklərinin optik xassələri, Fizika və Astr. Probl.Resp. Elmi Kon. X Resp.Konf, 2015, Bakı, Azərbaycan;
- R.Qəhramanlı,M.B. Muradov, G.M.Eyvazova,O.O.Balayeva, Sonokimyəvi üsulla kobalt sulfid əsasında alınmış nanohissəciklərin optik xassələri, Fizikanın aktual problemləri Respublika elmi konfransının materialları, 2015, Bakı, Azərbaycan;