Seçilmiş əsərləri

  1. Difference of compact sets in the sense of Demyanov and application to non-smooth analysis DDR, optimization, 1992, v.23, pp. 179-188.
  2. The mathematical modeling and optimal distribution of the funds on the industrial units. Baku State University Zanjan University. 6-8 september 2002.
  3. On a minimization of the difforence of convex Inteqral functionals, The 4st Internatiol Konference, Matematik Modelliring, 23-28, 2003.
  4. On a minimization of the difference Convex integral functionals 2003, N2, Azerbayan National Academy of sciences.
  5. ATOMIC AMPLITUDES for the Atoms with z=20-90 BSU, Vestnik Bakinskoqo Universiteta, N3, 2003.
  6. Ob odnom vozmojnom kriterii vıbore analitiçeskoqo vırajeniə glektrostatiçeskoqo potenüiala atoma. Elm və təhsildə İnformasiya–Kommunikasiya Texno-logiyalarının tətbiqi. Beynəlxalq Konfrans Tezislər. Bakı 16-17 sentyabr, 2004.
  7. Вычисление потенциальной энергии взаимодействия между электроном и атомом в базисе слейтеровских функций. Известия высших учебных заведений, №2, c. 85-86, 2005.
  8. On a minimization of the differense two integral functionals in multidimensional case; The 1st International Conferense on Control and Optimization the with Industrial Applications 1-2005, Baku.
  9. Calculation of the pofential energy of electron-atom interaction in the Basis of the Seater functions. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, N0.2, pp.85-86, 2005.
  10. About one private decision of the equation Puasson for calculation of the atomie Actor, “Elmi xeberler, vol 5, N02, 2005.
  11. On a minimization of the difference two inteqral Functionals multidimensional case, The 1st information conference on cvontrol and Optimization with industriol Applications, 22-25 may, 2005.
  12. Mathematical simulation and optimal Distribution of Resources industrial units, Azerbaiyan National cademy of Sciences, TRANSACTIONS, XXV,N1, 2005 Baku ELM.
  13. On an extremal problem for the differential inclusions, The 4th Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-3 July, 2011, pp.368.
  14. О минимизации негладких функционалов в пространстве Соболева, XIII İnternational Conference ON AUTOMATİC CONTROL, Vinnytsia 25-28 september 2006.
  15. Необходимое условие негладкого функционала с ограничениями, BDU Əməkdar elim xadimi, akademik Əşrəf Hyseynovun 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş elmi konfrans 25 oktyabr 2007.
  16. On a minimization integral functionals in multidimensional case, 38th Iranian Mathematics Conference 3-6 september, 2007, Zanjan, 391-393.
  17. Возмущение задачи при минимизации негладкого интегрального функционала, IX Международная конференция. Контрол управления в складных системах. Украина, Виница КУСС 2008.
  18. On a minimization of the non-smooth integral functional with duality, The 2nd International Conference on” Control and Optimization with Indus¬trial Applications”. Baku June 2-4, COIA- 2008.
  19. On an implementation of the perturbation to the solution of the non-smooth variational problems, International Conference on Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 7-9 October, 2008, Tbilisi.
  20. Минимизация негладкого функционала с помощью возмущения задачи, Доклады Международной Конференции по Автоматическому Управлению Автоматика-2008 23-26 сентября 2008 года, Одесса 21-22.
  21. Об одной экстрималъной задача на пространстве Соболева, Материалы XVI международной конференции по вычислителъной механике и современным прикладным программным системам. 25-31 мая 2009 г., Алушта ВМСППС-2009, 90-91.
  22. On an extremal problem for the differential inclusions, The 4th Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-3 July, 2011, pp.368.
  23. Оптимальное управление процессами, описываемыми уравнением Гурса-Дарбу, ктуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук, Т.32, №9, 2011, с.9-20.
  24. An Extremum problem in the Metric Space, 1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Pristine, Kosovo, September 03-07, 2012, p.57.
  25. On an extremal problems for Goursat-Darboux type differential inclusions in the infinite domain4th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA 2013), Borovets, Bulgaria,10-12 July 2013, p.7.
  26. On an extremum problem in the metric spaces, Proceedings of IAM, V.2, N.1, 2013, pp.54-59. 28. On a construction of the new cost function for finding of the optimal value,V Congress of Turkic World Mathematicians, Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-kul, 2014, p.266
  27. Исследование задачи экстремумов метрическом пространстве, “Riyaziyyat və İKT-nin tətbiq sahələri. Yeni tədris texnologiyaları.”, Beynəlxalq Konfrans, 05-06 iyun 2014-cü il, səh.190-203.
  28. İKT-nin tədrisdə tətbiqinin müasir dövrdə zəruriliyi, Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 92 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “İnvestisiya qoyuluşlarının siyasi aspektləri və iqtisadi səmərəliliyi” mövzisinda beynəlxalq elmi-praktiki materialları, Bakı-2015, səh. 137-140.
  29. “Ekonometrika” fənn proqramı, Bakı-2015.
  30. S.Akhundov, M.A.Sadygov., J.J.Mamedova. On An Extremal Problem For Goursat-Darboux Type Inclusion In Infinite Domain. The 5th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 27-29 August, 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan,pp 160-163.
  31. S.Akhundov, M.A.Sadygov.,Mirzayeva H.G., A Gradient In Optimal Controlproblem Of Processes Described By First Order System. The 6th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 11-13 July, 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan.pp 321-323.
  32. S.Akhundov, M.A.Sadygov., Existence Of Solutions Of Extremal Problems For Differential Inclusions. The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, August 2020. Pp 65-67.
  33. S.Akhundov. Investigation Of Economic Indicators By Compact Sets. The 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, August 2020. Pp 68-70.
  34. S.Akhundov, M.A.Sadygov., Optimal control problem with mixed restrictions. The 8th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, August 2022.pp 423-425.