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- F.H. Rahimov, İ.A.İbadova, A.D. Farkhadova, T.E.Hashimova Limit theorems for the random walk described by the autoregression process of order one . Proceedings of IAM, 2016 V.5, №1 pp.25-33
- Aliev S.A., Rahimov F.H., Hashimova T.E., Farhadova A.D., Bagirova G.A. Limit theorems for the family of the first passage time of the parabola by a random walk described by the autoreqression process of order one (AR(1)). The 6 International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan 11-13 July pp.65-68
- Rahimov F.H., Hashimova T.E., Farhadova A.D., Khalilov V.S., Gulieva L.V. Limit theorem for the first passage time of the level by the random walk described by nonlinear function of the autoregression process of order one AR(1) The 6 International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan pp.244-247.
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- Aliev S.A., Ragimov F.H., Farhadova A.D., Khalilov V.S. Limit theorems for the family of the first passage time of the level by randon walk described by a nonlinear function of the autoregressive process of order one (AR(1)) Uzbek Mathematical Journal, 2019 No 1, DOI: 10.29229/uzmj.2019-1-1, pp.4-13
- Rahimov F.H., Ibadova I.A., Farhadova A.D. Limit theorems for a family of the first passage times of a parabola by the sums of the squares autoregression process of order one (AR(1)) Uzbek Mathematical Journal, 2019, №2, DOI: 10.29229/uzmj.2019-2-10, pp.81-88
- Fada h. Ragimov, Vugar.S. Khalilov , Aynura D.Farhadova, On the central limit theorem for the least-squares estimator of the unknown parameter in the autoregressive process of order one (ar(1)). The 7 International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan 26-28 august 2020,, pp.244-247
- Rahimov F.H., Ibadova I.A.,Farhadova A.D. Limit theorem for first passage times in the random walk described by the generalization of the autoregressive process. Uzbek Mathematical Journal, 2020 No 4, DOI: 10.29229/uzmj.2020-4-11. Pp.102-110.
- Rovshan Aliyev F.H. Rahimov,A.D. Farhadova. On the family of moments of the first crossing the parabolic boundary by the perturbed Markov random walk described by the autoregressive process. On the first passage time of the parabolic boundary by the Markov random walk. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 06 Jan 2022 pp.1-10.