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  1.  F.M. Hashimzade, T.G. İsmailov, B.H. Mehdiyev. Influence of external transverse electric and magnetic fields on the absorption of a parabolic quantum wire. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2005, v.27, N 1-2, p.140-150.
  2. F.M. Hashimzade, T.G. Ismailov, B.H. Mehdiyev, S.T. Pavlov. Interband electron Raman scattering in a quantum wire in a transverse magnetic field. Phys. Rev. B, 2005, v.71, N16, 165331 (1-8).
  3. T.G. Ismailov, B.H. Mehdiyev. Electron Raman scattering in a cylindrical quantum dot in a magnetic field. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2006, v.31, N 1, p.72-77.
  4. F.M. Hashimzade, A.M. Babayev, B.H. Mehdiyev. Rashba spin-orbit coupling effects in quantum dots. Phys.Rev. B, 2006, v.73, N 24, p. 245321 (1-10). Te Mn Cd x x 1
  5. T.G. Ismailov, B.H.Mehdiyev. Raman scattering in quantum wire in a magnetic field. Fizika (Baku) X, N3, 23 (2004).
  6. T.G. Ismailov, B.H.Mehdiyev. Electro- and magneto-optical absorption in quantum wire. Transactions (Series of physical-mathematical and technical sciences, Baku) XXIV, N5, 43 (2004).
  7.  F.M. Hashimzade, Kh.A. Hasanov, and B.H. Mehdiyev. Thermoelectric Effects in Quantum Well. Fizika (Baku), Vol.14, N2, pp.23-30, (2008).
  8. F.M. Hashimzade, Kh.A. Hasanov, and B.H. Mehdiyev. Transversal magnetoresistivity of the two-dimensional electron gas in-plane magnetic field. Transactions (Series of physical-mathematical and technical sciences, Baku), 2008, c.XXVIII, №5, 84-91.
  9. B.H. Mehdiyev, A.M. Babayev, S. Cakmak, E.Artunc. Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect on a diluted magnetic semiconductor cylinder surface and ballistic transport. Superlatt. and Microstruc., 2009, v. 46, N4, p.593-602.
  10. F.M. Hashimzade, Kh.A. Hasanov, B.H. Mehdiyev, S. Cakmak. Magneto-thermoelectric effects in two-dimensional quantum well: role of short-range potential. Physica Scripta, 2010, v. 81, N1, p015701 (1-8).
  11. M. A. Nizametdinova, F. M. Hashimzade, Kh. A. Hasanov, M. M. Babayev and B.H. Mehdiyev Negative transverse magnetoresistance of the two-dimensional electron gas in quantum well with parabolic confinement potential under an in-plane magnetic field. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 245,N1, 012011 (1-4).
  12. F. M. Hashimzade, M. M. Babayev, B.H. Mehdiyev, and Kh. A. Hasanov. Magneto thermoelectric Effects of 2D Electron Gas in Quantum Well with Parabolic Confinement Potential in-plane Magnetic Field. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2010, v. 245,N1, 012015 (1-4).
  13. F.M.Hashimzade, M.M.Babayev, B.H.Mehdiyev, Kh.A.Hasanov. Phonon drag thermopower of 2D electron gas in quantum well with parabolic confinement potential // Moldavian J.of Phys. Sciences, Chisinau, 2010, v.9, №3-4, pp.299-303.
  14. F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev, G.S. Orudzhev. The pressure dependence of the phonon spectra and elastic modulus of orthorhombic : the method of local density functional. Fizika (Baku); v. 19(2), 2013; p. 36-39. GeSe
  15. F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev. Second-order phase transition at high-pressure in GeS crystal. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 2014, Volume 454, p. 56-59.
  16. Ф.М.Гашимзаде, Д.А.Гусейнова, З.А.Джахангирли, Б.Г.Мехтиев, Г.С.Оруджев. Влияние давления на фононные спектры и упругие свойства орторомбического GeSe. // Физика твердого тела, 2014, т. 56, № 4, c. 731-734. F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev. Effect of pressure on phonon spectra and elastic properties of orthorhombic GeSe. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, 56 (4) p. 761-764, 2014
  17.  F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev. Surface phonons in two-layer thin films of GeSe. // Fizika (EN), 2015, v. XXI, № 1, p.30-32.
  18.  Ф.М.Гашимзаде, Д.А.Гусейнова, З.А.Джахангирли, Б.Г.Мехтиев. Фазовый переход второго рода в орторомбическом кристалле SnS под давлением // Физика твердого тела, 2015, т. 57, № 2, c. 358-360. F.M. Hashimzade, D.A. Huseinova, Z.A. Jahangirli, B.H. Mehdiyev. Second-order phase transition in a SnS orthorhombic crystal under pressure. PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, 57(2) p.378-380, 2015.
  19.  H. Oomae, M.Shinoda, J.T. Asubar, K.Sato, H.Toyota, N. Mayama, B.Mehdiyev, N. Uchitomi. Spatial distribution of substitutional Mn-As clusters in ferromagnetic (Zn,Sn,Mn)As2 thin films revealed by image reconstruction of atom probe tomography data. //Journal of Applied Physics. 125, 073902 (2019)