1. Gulahmadov, O., Muradov, M.B., & Kim, J. (2022). The wind‐driven Scotch yoke‐based triboelectric nanogenerator system for energy harvesting. International Journal of Energy Research, 46(8), 10989-10997
2. Gulahmadov, O., Muradov, M.B., & Kim, J. (2022). Gait analysis by using electric signals from a triboelectric nanogenerator. Engineering Research Express, 4(3), 035027
3. Gahramanli, L., Muradov, M., Balayeva, O., & Eyvazova, G. (2022). Structural, Optical, and Electric Properties of CdxZn1-xS Nanomaterials by Sonochemical and Sılar Methods. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 32(9), 3395-3406
4. Gahramanli, L., Muradov, M., Azizian, Y., Eyvazova, G., & Balayeva, O. (2022). The impact of electrolyte solution concentrations on the optical characteristics of CdS nanoparticles. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2350103
5. Kim, J., Gulahmadov, O., Muradov, M. B. (2021). Enhancement of performance of triboelectric generators by introduction of micro-and nano-structures on triboelectric films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(20), 24661-24680;
6. Gahramanli, L., Muradov, M., Kukovecz, Á., Balayeva, O.,  Eyvazova, G. (2020). Influence of stabilizers on the structure and properties of Cd x Zn1–x S nanoparticles by sonochemical
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7. Gahramanli, L.R., Muradov, M.B., Balayeva, O.O., Eyvazova, G.M., Mirsultanova, R.M (2020). Role of temperature in the growth and formation of CdxZn1-xS/PVA nanocomposites through SILAR method. Materials Research Bulletin, 137, 111162
8. Mammadyarova, S.J., Muradov, M.B., Maharramov, A.M., Eyvazova, G.M., Aghamaliyev, Z.A., Balayeva, O.O.,  Hasanova, I. (2020). Synthesis and Characterization OF Ni/NiO nanochains. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 124171.
9. Muradov, M.B., Gahramanli, L. R., Balayeva, O.O., Nasibov, I.N., Eyvazova, G.M., Amiraslanov, I.R.,  Aghamaliyev, Z.A. (2020). Formation mechanism of CdxZn1-xS/PVA nanocomposites by SILAR method. Results in Physics, 18, 103280.
10. Gahramanli, L., Muradov, M., Balayeva, O., Eyvazova, G.,  Dadashova, N. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND CONCENTRATION OF SOLUTIONS TO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CuxS NANOPARTICLES. Chalcogenide Letters, 16(12), 587-594
11. Balayeva, O.O., Azizov, A.A., Muradov, M.B., Alosmanov, R.M., Eyvazova, G.M., & Mammadyarova, S. J. (2019). Cobalt chromium-layered double hydroxide, α-and β-Co (OH) 2 and amorphous Cr (OH) 3: synthesis, modification and characterization. Heliyon, 5(11), e02725
12. Balayeva, O.O., Azizov, A.A., Muradov, M.B., Maharramov, A.M., Amiraslanov, I.R. (2018). Synthesis, Modification and Optical Characterization of Co-Cr Layered Double Hydroxide. Journal of Materials and Applications, 7(2), 90-95.
13. Muradov, M.B., Balayeva, O.O., Azizov, A.A., Maharramov, A.M., Qahramanli, L.R., Eyvazova, G. M., & Aghamaliyev, Z. A. (2018). Synthesis and characterization of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles by sonochemical method. Infrared Physics & Technology, 89, 255-262.
14. Malikov, E.Y., Altay, M.C., Akperov, O.H., Muradov, M.B., Eyvazova, G.M., Kukovecz,Á., & Kónya, Z. (2018). Effect of sonication time on the synthesis of the CdS nanoparticle based multiwall carbon nanotube–maleic anhydride–1-octene nanocomposites. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 26(5), 255-262.