Baku State University, Uskudar University of Turkey will jointly organize an international conference on “Media and communication activities in the digital age” on may 14-16, 2025, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the National Press of Azerbaijan
Baku State University, Uskudar University of Turkey will jointly organize an international conference on “Media and communication activities in the digital age” on may 14-16, 2025, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the National Press of Azerbaijan.
The purpose of the conference is to open discussions on the human, social, political and cultural implications of the transformation of media production and consumption processes through digitalization. The symposium, which will discuss in detail the essence of this transformation, its effects on the media ecosystem and the consequences it will bring on a global level, is aimed at making a significant contribution to research in the field of communication and media.
Reports on the following areas will be heard at the conference:
- Digital media and Communication Studies
- Digital media and content production
- Communication education in the digital age
- Digitalization and television
- Digitalization and journalism
- Social media business
- Digitalization and communication ethics
- Digitalization and perception management
- Digitalization and advertising
- Digital Marketing
- Digitalization and public relations
- Digitization and design
- Data miningRəqəmsallaşma və süni intellekt tədqiqatları
- Digitization and film studies
- Digital ecosystem and Communication Sciences
- Communication Studies in the Turkish Republics
- Media systems of the Turkish Republics
- Cyber Security
- Misinformation, misinformation,” fake " news
- Ownership and ownership structure in the media, media monopolies
- Media and globalization
- Media and cultural colonization
- Censorship in the age of digital media
- Communication in the digital age
Deadline for submission of theses: March 30, 2025
Language of the conference: Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian, English
Abstracts are submitted via an online submission system: |
- Program committee will consider only abstracts that correspond to topics of conference, requirements and rules of preparation;
- All information must be submitted through the online submission system in English.
Abstract guidelines:
Abstract must be prepared in English.
The name of abstract must be short (not more than 12 words).
Name of abstract: with capital letters, bold, 14-point, Calibri font
Full name of the author: bold, 12-point, Calibri font
Names of the organization, city and country: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font
E-mail: Regular, italic, 12-point, Calibri font
Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words. Paper format: A4; File format: *doc, *docx; 12-point Calibri font, 1 spaced; Margins: top-2.7 cm, bottom-2.0 cm, left-2.0 cm, right-2.5 cm.
The number of the referenced literature is indicated in the text (for example, [2])
References are given at the end of the text (for example, M. Hasanov, A. Mamedov, Properties of CdS films. J of Nanotechnology 2021, 25 (31), p. 34-45.)
Only accepted abstracts will be published.
Articles selected by the program Committee and having passed a rigorous review in the appropriate manner will be included in the publication of the conference materials. The full texts of the reports will be published electronically. |
Place of Conference and contact details:
Baku State University, AZ1148, Z.Khalilov str.,33.
Mobile: (+994 50) 3876497 (Whatsapp)
E-mail: [email protected]
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