BSU's International Relations

Baku State University (BSU), as outlined in the “University-5.0” Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for 2021-2030 and discussed and approved by the University’s Academic Council in its meeting on December 28, 2021 (Protocol No. 12), aims to maintain its leadership position as a university in the country while also transforming into a world-class platform for science and education in the region. In the modern world we live in, internationalization is considered one of the important strategic goals of universities. In this regard, BSU places particular emphasis on expanding its global reach, enhancing students' access to international opportunities, and promoting the cultural diversity of the university community and its integration into the world.

In the contemporary era, where internationalization in the fields of science and education holds significant importance, international relations are regarded as key indicators of a university's development and international image. Therefore, at BSU, continuous efforts are made to expand the scope of international activities, increase opportunities for academic collaboration, establish relationships with leading educational institutions and international associations around the world, and ensure participation in international rankings.

In order to develop and expand these activities, the internationalization of the University, as well as the dissemination of information about BSU to a broader international community and the enhancement of its reputation, is carried out through four main strategic development lines:

  • Setting clear targets for international mobility programs in all faculties and expanding BSU’s portfolio of international joint degree and dual degree programs.
  • Taking effective and targeted actions to attract more foreign students by focusing on geographical priorities and foreign student potential.
  • Expanding cooperation with foreign universities and international organizations to develop teaching programs and implement scientific research grant projects in order to apply modern international practices at BSU.
  • Gaining higher positions in prestigious international rankings to further enhance BSU’s credibility in the region and worldwide.

This strategy is continuously adjusted to account for global changes, and flexible steps are taken accordingly. Special attention is also given to maintaining public trust and reputation, cooperation with diplomatic missions, establishing new foreign relations, and increasing the scope of scientific research within international collaboration. The identification and use of international opportunities, constant improvement of the university's international activities, and providing separate attention to teaching, research, and the exchange of knowledge through internal and external information channels are also emphasized.

It is important to note that this strategic approach is a key indicator of our desire to further enhance our international reputation. Given the constant global changes, our ability to act swiftly and flexibly, identify and utilize emerging international opportunities, and continuously improve the scope of our international activities makes this strategic approach particularly significant. It is integral to our efforts in improving teaching, research, development, and knowledge exchange. This approach is also part of the recent innovative reforms at BSU and serves to elevate the University's image as a high-level research and education center both nationally and internationally.

To elevate the development of our science and education to the level of advanced countries, all available opportunities in the modern world are considered. Programs and collaborations that align with the national interests and foreign and domestic policy priorities are given priority. Organizing internships for our students in international companies and enriching the University’s library resources with digital and foreign-language literature are also focal points. The faculty and students of Baku State University successfully participate in various international academic exchange programs and contribute to the transfer and application of global educational, scientific, and technological practices in Azerbaijan.