In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law "On Education" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the activities of educational institutions registered as legal entities, licensed, and accredited in Azerbaijan are legally guaranteed. Accreditation of an educational institution is conducted to verify its compliance with state education standards and other normative legal acts, determining the institution's status, the capacity for each specialty (program), and providing legal assurance for the extension of its activities. Accreditation of educational institutions is carried out every five years by the Quality Assurance Agency in Education.
Institutional accreditation is conducted to evaluate the overall activities of an educational institution for compliance with state education standards and other normative legal acts. It determines the institution's status, the capacity for training specialists in each specialty, the number of students, and provides legal assurance for the extension of its operations.
According to the relevant provisions of the "Rules for the Accreditation of Educational Institutions" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international accreditation is a quality assurance procedure conducted based on rules and criteria developed by an external quality assurance body. The results of an educational program accredited at the international level within the established rules are considered for state accreditation.
Baku State University has been institutionally accredited for a period of 5 (five) years by the Accreditation Council of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan as of June 8, 2023.
Baku State University has received international program accreditation for 6 master's level specializations (Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds, Petroleum Chemistry) for a period of 5 (five) years by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) of Kazakhstan.The results of the international program accreditation were considered for state accreditation in the decision of the Accreditation Council of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 20, 2023.
To review the relevant reports on the results of international program accreditation, click here. .