Membership in International Organizations


Global University Network for Innovation - GUNI Founded in 1999 after the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, GUNI was created to oversee agreements and act as an expert organization in university policy and governance. The international network, comprising 364 universities from 100 countries, includes higher education institutions, UNESCO chairs, and research centers.
Baku State University (BSU) became a full member of GUNI in 2024. Membership in GUNI will provide BSU with broader opportunities to implement innovative changes.




European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) Founded in 1995 in Leuven, Belgium, ELFA aims to enhance the quality of legal education in Europe by providing a platform for discussions and experience exchange.
In 2024, BSU’s Faculty of Law was selected as a full member of ELFA’s Board. It is the first law faculty in Azerbaijan to be a full member of ELFA. As part of this membership, BSU’s Faculty of Law will represent the University at ELFA’s conferences, meetings, and annual forums.
ELFA’s objectives include coordinating the reform process of legal education in Europe, introducing new topics, promoting collaboration between European universities, and representing law faculties before European organizations, national education bodies, and associations of lawyers and prosecutors.


The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) AASHE is a leading organization for sustainability in higher education, founded in 2005. It includes more than 900 higher education institutions, companies, and non-profit organizations from 22 countries.
BSU has been a member of AASHE since 2024.


Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) Founded in 1990, UNICA is an institutional network of universities located in European capitals. It includes 53 universities from 40 capitals that are represented in the top-1000 global rankings.

BSU became a full member of UNICA in 2024, following the votes of members at the General Assembly held in Stockholm, Sweden. BSU is the only university in Azerbaijan and the capital representing the country in UNICA


World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) WAITRO, founded in 1970 under the auspices of the United Nations, is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization that brings together research and technology organizations worldwide, including research universities.
BSU became a full member of WAITRO in 2024. WAITRO aims to foster global collaboration on solving future challenges, promoting innovation, and enhancing partnerships among members. BSU is the only member of WAITRO in the South Caucasus region.


International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Founded in 1951, IAF is a global leader in space advocacy, with 468 members from 75 countries, including leading space agencies, companies, research institutes, universities, and societies.

BSU joined IAF in 2023, participating in the world’s leading space events, such as the International Astronautical Congress (IAC), and supporting the peaceful development of astronautics


Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) Since February 2022, BSU has been a member of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World, which operates under the umbrella of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).
The Federation, founded in 1987, aims to enhance scientific research, promote education, and facilitate knowledge exchange among universities in the Islamic world. BSU’s collaboration with FUIW focuses on improving institutional capabilities, developing research, and enhancing exchanges among universities.


European University Association (EUA) The EUA represents over 800 universities from 48 countries, playing a significant role in promoting sustainable development globally.
BSU has been a member of EUA since 2022.


International Association of Schools of Social Work (SISWA) Founded in 1928, SISWA is the global association of schools of social work, promoting and representing social work education, fostering collaborations, and supporting the exchange of research and curriculum resources.
BSU became a full member of SISWA in 2018. Membership provides access to various international projects, publications, and the opportunity to participate in global initiatives to advance social work education.


STAR-NET - Regional Network for Nuclear Technology Education and Training Founded in 2015 with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), STAR-NET focuses on developing nuclear knowledge, training skilled human resources, and promoting the use of safe nuclear technologies.
BSU joined STAR-NET in 2015 and has since contributed to nuclear research and education in the region.


Azerbaijan-Russia Higher Education Institutions Association Founded in 2015 in Baku, this association promotes experience exchange and joint scientific research projects between universities in Azerbaijan and Russia. It includes 32 Russian universities and 12 Azerbaijani institutions.


International Innovation Center for Nanotechnology of the CIS Countries Established in 2009 in Dubna, Russia, this center fosters collaboration in nanoscience and high-tech industry development across the CIS countries. BSU is a founding member and actively participates in innovation and research integration.



Eurasian Universities Association Founded in 2008 in Istanbul, the EURAS Association strengthens collaboration among universities in Turkey, the Balkans, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova. BSU has been a member since 1989


International Consortium for Electronic Information for Libraries ( Founded in 1999, connects over 2300 libraries in 47 countries. BSU’s Scientific Library has represented Azerbaijan in the since its establishment, facilitating access to electronic resources and international collaborations in academic research.


Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) Founded in 1998, BSUN includes over 100 universities from 12 countries around the Black Sea. BSU became a member in 1998, and the network focuses on promoting higher education, quality research, and successful experience exchanges.


Caspian Universities Association Founded in 1996 by the initiative of Astrakhan State Technical University and Gorky State Agrarian and Natural Resources University, the Caspian Universities Association includes 55 universities from 5 countries.
BSU joined the Association in 1997.
The main areas of activity of the Association include developing a unified system for higher professional education, doctoral specializations, and directions, studying the ecology of the Caspian Sea under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, improving the technology for the artificial breeding of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea, developing methods for the reclamation of areas and aquatic ecosystems polluted by petroleum products, addressing the legal issues of environmental protection in the Caspian states, studying the history of the peoples of the Caspian region.


Eurasian Universities Association Founded in 1989 as the USSR Universities Association by the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, it was renamed the Eurasian Universities Association in 1992. The highest governing body of the Association is the General Assembly.
The Eurasian Universities Association is the founder and organizer of the "University and Society" international scientific-practical conference.
BSU joined the Association in 1989.
The Association includes 139 universities from 13 countries.