For graduates

The Career and Alumni Relations Sector of Baku State University is dedicated to preparing students and graduates for their future careers, realizing their creative potential, and establishing and maintaining connections among alumni in coordination with the relevant university departments. Career specialists work to support students and alumni in their future career development. The activities of the Career and Alumni Relations Sector are carried out in the following areas:

  • Creating and continually updating a database of current students and initially successful alumni of the university.
  • Enhancing students' and graduates' career planning and providing closer insights into their areas of interest.
  • Identifying talented and promising students through competitions and supporting their career development.
  • Investigating resources and options that can support students' and alumni's careers.
  • Organizing career development events, such as career fairs, job fairs, career-building workshops, career-focused forums, job simulation exercises, etc.
  • Equipping students and alumni with knowledge and skills related to employment and guiding them in finding jobs that match their qualifications in the labor market.
  • Analyzing professional and specialized requirements set by employers.
  • Conducting surveys to determine the alignment of students' and alumni's job preparation with labor market demands.
  • Proposing changes to curricula to align academic programs with labor market requirements.
  • Regularly collecting information on job vacancies from local and international companies operating in the country and disseminating it among students and alumni.
  • Facilitating the exchange of best practices to enhance career development activities.
  • Establishing alumni relations and organizing virtual networking in coordination with the relevant university departments.
  • Further developing partnerships with alumni, monitoring their career development, and involving them in career-related events.
  • Organizing meetings for successful alumni to share their success stories with students.