Domestic Cooperation

In BSU’s development strategy, special emphasis is placed on domestic cooperation in various fields of science and industry. The establishment of new effective connections and the exchange of experiences create a foundation for the rapid development of education quality at the university, which in turn accelerates the process of training the new generation of specialists. Domestic cooperation is mainly developed in two directions: first, collaboration with international organizations, companies, and diplomatic missions operating in the country, and second, cooperation with government agencies, private companies, and non-governmental organizations.

One of the special points in BSU's cooperation strategy is the development of domestic cooperation alongside the enhancement of the university’s international image. BSU constantly builds and develops relationships with international organizations and diplomatic missions operating in Azerbaijan. Currently, BSU collaborates with the embassies of several countries (Turkiye, Pakistan, Israel, Uzbekistan, Japan, China, the Czech Republic, Qatar, etc.), the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the Eurasian regional center of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, the National Erasmus+ Office in Azerbaijan, and various other organizations in multiple areas.

BSU also places significant importance on establishing domestic collaborations (with government agencies, private companies, and non-governmental organizations) and further developing existing relations. In this cooperation, the interest of business enterprises in collaborating with higher education institutions and research organizations is considered one of the key factors.

BSU collaborates with various domestic business partners and educational centers in fields such as ecology, agriculture, chemistry, and social sciences.

The Faculty of Law works closely with relevant scientific and educational institutions and government agencies in the country. Currently, the faculty collaborates with the Institute of Law and Human Rights at ANAS, the Institute of Information Technologies at ANAS, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Academy of the State Security Service, the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Aviation Academy, the Academy of Justice, the Forensic Examination Center of the Ministry of Justice, the Law Faculty of Nakhchivan State University, the Customs Academy, and various other scientific and educational centers, as well as with state institutions such as the Ministry of Justice, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Ombudsman, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the State Committee for Family, Women, and Children’s Affairs, the Intellectual Property Agency, the Maritime Administration, the Bar Association, the Notary Chamber, and other government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

The Faculty of Geography collaborates with the Azerbaijan National Water Company (Azersu), the Institute of Geography at ANAS, the National Hydrometeorology Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, ADPU, GDU, SDU, LDU, and conducts joint research. They assist in graduation and state exams, as well as in guiding doctoral and dissertation research. Since 2017, the Hydrometeorology Department at BSU has operated as a branch of the Azersu Scientific Research and Project Institute.

The Faculty of Journalism works closely with the Media Development Agency, the Press Council, the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, various government agencies, and ministries, giving special importance to the organization of joint training and seminars. Notably, in February 2019, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, a training course on “Agricultural Journalism” was held, and in May 2019, in collaboration with the Ministry of Taxes, a training course on “Economic Journalism” was organized.

In 2017, in collaboration with Azercell Telecom LLC, BSU’s Faculty of Journalism established the "Barama Media Center." Supported by Azercell and Pasha Bank, the Barama Media Center aims to support the innovative ideas of young people, organize training and seminars on media topics, and involve students from other faculties in various projects and programs to acquire essential knowledge and skills.

As a result of collaboration with TIKA, the updated teaching studio, renovated and equipped with modern technical equipment in 2016, provides students with all necessary conditions to gain practical skills.

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology also attaches significant importance to domestic cooperation, collaborating with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the State Committee for Family, Women, and Children’s Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, various ANAS institutes, the Ministry of Education’s Education Institute, and other international, state, and private organizations. Since 2020, following the signing of the CHED Memorandum of Understanding with the UAFA organization, a series of events, including two introductory webinars about the CHED course, have been held.

The Faculty of Biology ensures the training of highly qualified specialists through its extensive domestic partnerships. Currently, the faculty collaborates with the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at ANAS, the Abdullayev Institute of Physiology, the Institute of Genetic Resources, the Institute of Zoology, the Institute of Botany, the Institute of Microbiology, the Institute of Radiation Problems, the Institute of Biophysics, the Central Botanical Garden, and the Dendrology Institute, based on signed agreements.

Scientific research is carried out at the fish farms of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (such as the Khilli sturgeon farm, the Chukhur-Gabala salmon farm, etc.) and at private fish farming enterprises (such as Samukh-fish) at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Additionally, these facilities serve as practical bases for students' internships and for the completion of master's thesis work.

The Faculty of Chemistry collaborates with the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry at ANAS, the Nuclear Research Center, the Yusif Mammadaliyev Institute of Oil Refining and Chemistry, the Institute of Chemical Additives at ANAS, and the Institute of Radiation Problems. In 2013, the Department of Oil Chemistry and Chemical Technology at BSU established a branch at the Institute of Chemical Additives at ANAS to enhance the coordination between education and scientific research.

The Faculty of Oriental Studies collaborates with the Institute of Oriental Studies at ANAS, the Institute of History named after A. Bakikhanov, the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after N. Ganjavi, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, the Manuscripts Institute named after M. Fuzuli, the Linguistics Institute named after N. Nasimi, the Azerbaijan University of Languages, the State Committee for Diaspora Affairs, and the Yunus Emre Institute.

The Faculty of Geology's students gain practical experience at the National Geological Exploration Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, ANAS, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Limited, "Azersu" ASC, and the Hydrogeological-Meliorative Service of the Azerbaijan Melioration and Water Management Open Joint Stock Company. Additionally, in collaboration with ANAS, the Seismology and Earth Physics Department at the Geology and Geophysics Institute operates a branch.

The Faculty of Geology also collaborates with Azersu ASC to provide consultancy services for hydrogeological research carried out under various projects.