Scientific Research at BSU

The action plan focuses on several key objectives such as enhancing the experience of the academic staff and scientists with fundamental knowledge, skills and innovative thinking at Baku State University, training students, master's students, and doctoral candidates to become specialists who meet labour market demands, conducting scientific research in priority areas and commercializing scientific results, contributing to the socio-economic development of the country by creating a supportive scientific environment, reshaping existing scientific-research institutes, centres, and laboratories to meet contemporary requirements, establishing new innovative and industry-oriented scientific-research centres and laboratories, developing extracurricular scientific, technical, and engineering activities for students, creating incubation and acceleration centres for the implementation of scientific ideas, expanding international cooperation and experience exchange through various programs (e.g., dual diploma programs, teacher-student exchanges) with leading universities, institutes, and centres worldwide. For this purpose, BSU:

  • creates an educational and scientific environment that fosters innovative thinking among academic staff and trains competitive personnel;
  • creates a research and entrepreneurship ecosystem;
  • internationalizes education and research;
  • develops effective corporate governance, resources, and infrastructure.

Scientific research at BSU plays a critical role across all departments, including scientific-research institutes, centers, laboratories, faculty members, scientific staff, doctoral, master's, and undergraduate students. This activity is guided by normative documents that define its forms, scope, and directions.

Today, the scientific-research activity of the academic staff at BSU is aligned with their research topics and is conducted through the following organizational forms:

  • individual work with scientific data;
  • participation in grant and program competitions;
  • engagement in contract research with manufacturing enterprises;
  • supervision of doctoral and master's dissertations and graduation works;
  • involvement in dissertation councils;
  • preparation and publication of scientific papers;
  • participation in scientific conferences, seminars, competitions, and exhibitions of scientific work.

The main tasks of BSU in the field of scientific research activities include the following:

  • Development of scientific knowledge, the scientific-pedagogical staff, and the creative activities of students;
  • Conducting fundamental research in priority areas to generate new knowledge, develop innovative technologies, and establish and advance scientific schools and leading scientific-pedagogical teams in critical fields of science and technology;
  • Ensuring the training of qualified specialists and highly skilled scientific and pedagogical personnel based on the latest achievements in scientific and technical progress;
  • Research and development of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation and advancement of higher education, enhancing the role of science in addressing educational and teaching challenges, and preserving and strengthening the core essence of science in the development of higher education;
  • Effective utilization of the scientific and technical potential of higher education to address priority issues related to socio-economic transformation;
  • Development of new and advanced forms of scientific-technical collaboration with research, project, and industrial organizations to jointly solve critical scientific-technical problems, create high technologies, and expand the application of scientific results in production.

The results of the annual research activity at BSU are reflected in the following aspects:

  • Updating the topics of research projects, aligning them with priority scientific directions and involving students in research activities;
  • Implementation of research projects funded through grants or contracts;
  • Patenting new scientific results, identifying potential application areas, and working towards their implementation;
  • Publication of scientific journals and dissemination of research findings by academic staff and students through articles and monographs;
  • Organization of scientific events and participation of academic staff and students in conferences, seminars, round tables, and other scientific gatherings;
  • Integration of research results into teaching, management activities, production, and the development of the research and entrepreneurship ecosystem;
  • Expansion of collaborative scientific relations with leading higher education institutions, research institutes, and centres within the Republic and globally.