Scientific Research Strategy of BSU for 2021-2030

General Provisions:

  1. The "Scientific Research Strategy of Baku State University for 2021-2030" (hereinafter referred to as the "Strategy") outlines the organization, implementation, dissemination, and promotion of scientific results, as well as the integration of research activities into the teaching at Baku State University (hereinafter referred to as BSU). It reflects general approaches, basic principles, and mechanisms for the continuous development of skills and habits in the field of research.
  2. Scientific research activity is one of the priority directions at BSU and ensures the continuous improvement of the teaching and learning process, as well as the education process, based on fundamental and applied research in the existing personnel training directions.
  3. The Strategy covers complex measures to enhance the efficiency of scientific research in priority directions, preserve and develop long-established scientific schools, form new scientific schools, and improve the scientific indicators of BSU.
  4. The Strategy is an integral part of the strategic management of BSU and is considered alongside other key documents such as the mission statement, strategic development program, academic policy, and quality assurance policy at BSU.
  5. The Strategy reflects the relationship between national and intra-University research and teaching activities.
  6. The Strategy is implemented with the participation of all relevant structural divisions of BSU.
  7.  The Strategy is an official document and is communicated to the general public.
  8. The Strategy is prepared by referencing several key documents, including the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Education; the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Science;the State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Strategic Road Map for the Perspective of the National Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the State Program on Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023; the Statute of BSU;  BSU Strategic Development Plan (2021-2030); Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development and others.
  9.  The Strategy is monitored and revised according to the changing requirements.
  10. The Strategy is discussed and adopted by the Scientific Council of BSU and approved by the rector of BSU.



The Policy, Mission, and Vision of BSU in the Field of Scientific Research:

In accordance with the state science policy, BSU views scientific research and the application of innovations as an integrated process. This process is carried out in collaboration with the country's scientific research and production enterprises to foster the comprehensive development of individuals, aligning with the interests of society and the state. BSU prioritizes the efficiency and high quality of scientific research as one of its core activities. The formation of its policy in the field of scientific research is considered as a fundamental aspect of strategic management.

The Main Goals of the Strategy:

The main goals of BSU's scientific and innovative activities in the direction of the strategy and its implementation are as follows:

  • Integration of science, education, and production: Ensuring the unity of the educational process and scientific research, and increasing the quality of training for highly educated specialists and highly qualified scientific personnel by expanding the research and innovation component in the educational process.
  • Creating an innovative scientific environment that meets modern standards.
  • Development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical potential;
  • Modernization of organizational structure and scientific infrastructure;
  • Expanding and modernizing the material and technical base for supporting innovative research;

 Enhancing the efficiency of fundamental and applied research within the priority directions of national science, technology, and technology development.

 Raising the quality of scientific research to an international level and ensuring BSU's high competitiveness in the scientific-research field.

 Supporting the sustainable socio-economic development of the country through scientific research.

The main vector of BSU's scientific activity involves preserving fundamental research areas traditionally characteristic of a classical university, while simultaneously increasing interdisciplinary, interfaculty, interregional, and international applied research projects. It also focuses on identifying and supporting new promising scientific directions.

Principles of Scientific Research

The efficiency of scientific research and the improvement of the quality of the obtained results are achieved by adhering to the following principles:

  1. Determinism: This principle asserts that all events are conditioned by the influence of certain causes. In other words, it takes into account the cause-and-effect relationships of all events in reality.
  2. Consistency and Systematicity: This principle requires the interpretation of all events as internally connected components of a whole system.
  3. Development: This principle implies the recognition of continuous change, transformation, and development of all objects and events in reality, including their transition from one form and level to another.

These research principles are universal, scientific, and can be applied in all fields of scientific activity. The future development prospects of science depend on the successful application of these principles. However, each field of science develops its own methodology and research methods basing on these universal principles, tailored to the specific content of the relevant field.

In addition to these general scientific principles, goal-directedness, objectivity, and application orientation are also considered as the fundamental principles in many fields of a science.


 Activity Directions: 

As stated in the "Strategic Development Plan of BSU" (2021-2030), the organization of successful scientific activity, which is the most important part of the development of Baku State University as a science-educational institution, depends on the knowledge, skills, and research competence of professors, teachers, and researchers. From this perspective, the main directions of scientific-research activities carried out at BSU are as follows:

  • To create conditions for a top-tier scientific environment and research activities that stimulate the development of academic staff, scientists, as well as students, master's, and doctoral students at BSU;
  • To conduct researches that meets international standards and remains competitive;
  • To modernize existing research institutes, centres, and laboratories, and establish new ones in accordance with contemporary requirements to gain valuable experience;
  • To establish close relations in the fields of science and innovation with highly rated universities and research centres both within the Republic and abroad, including international scientific organizations, to facilitate high-level international cooperation and the exchange of intensive scientific experience.

Scientific research participants and infrastructure:

The main participants of scientific research work at BSU are the followings:

  • Students, including bachelor’s students completing graduation work, master’s students, and doctoral students (dissertators) involved in scientific activity;
  • Professor-teaching staff working in the departments;
  • Researchers working in scientific-research institutions;
  • Employees working in administrative management units;
  • Individuals involved in teaching and scientific activities on a contractual basis;
  • Representatives of local and foreign scientific and educational institutions with which BSU collaborates on joint projects.

Scientific research at BSU is conducted in various departments, scientific research institutes, centres, and laboratories of the university, including the Student Scientific and Technical Creativity Centre, the Centre of Excellence for Research, Development, and Innovation, as well as newly established industry-oriented research laboratories under this centre.

To facilitate research in priority areas, gain exposure to new technologies, and acquire experience, BSU employees and doctoral students are sent on short- and long-term scientific missions and internships to leading scientific and educational centres within the Republic, the region, and abroad.

The organization and implementation of scientific activities are coordinated by the Centre for Organization of Scientific Activity and Innovations.


Tasks of Scientific Research:

To achieve the goals outlined in the strategy and to optimize and effectively manage research activities, the following tasks are undertaken:

 Formation of a competitive scientific-research and knowledge transfer sector, and development of institutions for the effective utilization of research results;

 Development of an effective innovation environment that fosters interaction between the research and development sector and the educational, scientific-research, and production enterprises of the region;

 Increasing the publishing activity of departments, professors, teachers, and students, as well as boosting the number of citations and publications in foreign languages;

 Intensifying the participation of scientific-pedagogical staff, doctoral students, graduate students in national and international research programs, competitions, and grant opportunities;

 Improvement of the system for training highly qualified scientific personnel, elevating the quality of scientific personnel training through doctoral studies, dissertation research, and master’s programs;

 Supporting the research activities of employees working on Ph.D. and Doctor of Science theses;

 Creating conditions for conducting scientific experiments on current scientific problems within higher educational institutions and research centres across the Republic;

 Encouraging academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical staff, including opportunities for international scientific experiences, lecturing at foreign universities, and more;

 Creating opportunities for scientists, especially young researchers, to undertake advanced training courses and conduct research at leading scientific institutions around the world;

 Expanding international scientific relations, developing joint research programs with prestigious foreign scientific centres, organizing collaborative research laboratories, and ensuring participation of researchers in international scientific projects;

 Ensuring the integration of science, education, and industry, creating communication platforms for business representatives, educators, young scientists, and students;

 Strengthening ties with industry and production through the application of the science-education-production nexus and the commercialization of scientific results;

 Optimization of the technology transfer mechanism to facilitate the flexible development, discovery, development, and financing of new innovative products and solutions;

 Transfer of new technologies and training young researchers in their application;

 Integrating research results obtained by employees and students into both the scientific community and the real sector of the economy;

 Increasing the commercialization of scientific ideas and results;

 Formation and implementation of innovative projects based on the intellectual contributions of employees and students;

  • Improvement of the mechanism for protecting scientific research at the level of invention both within the Republic and abroad;
  • Achieving protection of scientific schools and ensuring succession by extensively utilizing the experience of scientists who established prominent schools in relevant fields of science;
  • Implementing necessary reforms to enhance the management, organization, coordination, and financing of scientific research;
  • Expanding research in the field of information technologies and strengthening the information support for science;
  • Establishing appropriate financial support and a modern material and technical base for conducting scientific expeditions and field research;
  • Developing the infrastructure for innovation activities, creating and expanding the network of technological centres and business incubators;
  • Creating conditions to foster entrepreneurial activity and competition in the field of science;
  • Ensuring scientists' involvement in conducting scientific and technical activities, scientific work, program and project evaluations, and forecasting and assessing socio-economic outcomes;
  • Inviting leading scientists in science and innovation to deliver master lectures and speeches at seminars, providing future visions in these fields, establishing close relationships with students and teachers, and setting regularly updated goals;
  • Encouraging the publication of scientific works by employees and students in journals included in international indexing and summarizing systems (such as Web of Science, SCOPUS, etc.);
  • Popularizing science and publicizing scientific achievements.

Evaluation Criteria for Scientific Research

  1. Adoption and approval of the strategy in the field of scientific research.
  2. Involvement of scientific workers, teaching staff, and students in the formulation and implementation of the scientific research strategy.
  3. The extent of interaction between education, teaching, and scientific research in implementing policies to ensure the quality of educational programs.
  4. Ensuring objectivity and correctness in scientific research activities, and upholding principles against scientific fraud at all levels.
  5. Application of the licensed "Antiplagiarism" program to check scientific works (e.g., scientific articles, monographs, dissertations).
  6. Reviewing the implementation of the scientific-research strategy through systematic monitoring, efficiency evaluation, and information analysis.
  7. Revising the scientific research strategy in accordance with state science policy and the evolving needs and requirements of society and the labour market.
  8. Periodically updating interested parties on progress and activities related to the implementation of the scientific research strategy.

       Strategy Implementation Mechanisms:

  1. The general theoretical knowledge acquired by students should be consistently applied in practical settings. Research and development should become a core focus for faculty, research staff, graduate students, doctoral candidates, and most students.
  2. The following elements are necessary for effective strategy execution:
  • Broaden the spectrum of fundamental and applied research, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary studies;
  • Improve the coordination mechanisms for the scientific research activities of employees and structural units;
  • Stimulate structural divisions and employees with outstanding scientific achievements through enhanced financial incentives, the introduction of a competitive financing system for promising scientific projects, and other measures;
  • Development of network integration (searching new forms of interaction with strategic partners, participating in the formation and implementation of innovative development programs for state enterprises and private companies, and creating department branches to establish science-education-production complexes on their basis; participating in large international scientific and educational project competitions and organizing international scientific-practical conferences, etc.)
  • Strengthen the material and technical base of scientific research by developing and expanding research centres and laboratories.

  3.The key participants in the strategy's implementation include professors and teaching staff, administrative management personnel, scientists, doctoral candidates, master's students, students, cooperating state enterprises, scientific organizations, and production enterprises.