The Educational Tele-Radio Studio at Baku State University (BSU) was established in 1983 with the goal of preparing television programs. The primary mission of the studio is to engage journalism students in practical work, enabling them to apply their theoretical knowledge, and to help them develop their creativity and professional skills.
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Tədris tele-radio studiyası - 1988-ci il | Tədris tele-radio studiyası - 2019-cu il |
In 2000, the studio was equipped with new equipment with UNESCO’s financial support. In 2006, a radio section was added, with necessary equipment for radio broadcasts. In 2016, in collaboration with BSU, the TIKA financial support allowed for a renovation and modernization of the studio, ensuring that it met modern technical standards. In 2019, a photography studio was launched within the facility.
Throughout its history, the studio has actively contributed to the professional development of students, producing a variety of television and radio programs, reports, promotional videos, and documentary films. Currently, the studio produces news programs in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English, which are broadcasted under the names “BSU NEWS”, “BSU TV NEWS”, “БГУ Новости”.
These programs are available on YouTube and other social media platforms. Students from the Journalism and other faculties work as anchors, reporters, cameramen, and editors. The studio also captures and archives various cultural events, scientific conferences, and symposiums held at BSU.
The Radio Studio has developed a range radio programs like “Xəbər” (News Information Block), “Expromt” (Impromptu), “Bu gün” (Today), “Mənim Universitetim” (My University), “Uğurun alqoritmi” (The Algorithm of Success), “100 illik xəzinə” (100-Year Treasure), “Qəhrəmanlar bizimlə” (Heroes Among Us), “Ədəbiyyatdan bir gün” (A Day in Literature), “Ədəbi incilər” (Literary Gems), “Sənətin Əmiri” (The Master of Art), “III mərtəbə” (Third Floor), “Без обид” (No Offense - Russian-language program).
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Tədris tele-radio studiyası - 2020-ci il | Tədris tele-radio studiyası - 2021-cI il |
“100-year Treasure” radio show series and “Info-tour to BSU” promotional video were prepared for BSU’s 100th anniversary.
The musical compositions “Xilaskar” (Savior), “Ulu Öndər” (Great Leader), “Vətən marşı” (Homeland March), “İstiqlaliyyət” (Independence), “Deyirəm, uşaqlar heç ağlamasın” (I Say, Let the Children Never Cry), “Körpə gülüşü – sevinc himni” (Baby’s Laughter – Anthem of Joy), “Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin müəllimləri” (Teachers of Baku State University), “Milli mədəniyyətimizin Üzeyir zirvəsi” (The Uzeyir Peak of Our National Culture), and “Azərbaycan” (Azerbaijan), prepared jointly by the studio and the Culture and Creativity Center of Baku State University, were received with great interest by the university and the public.
During the Patriotic War, sand compositions dedicated to our rightful struggle were created, including “Shusha is Waiting for Us,” “Khari Bulbul,” “No to Terror!” and “We Reunited with You, Khudafarin.”
The "Press Trench" series of educational programs, a joint project of the BDU TV Teaching Tele-Radio Studio and the Union of Azerbaijani Volunteer Organizations, covered topics such as our just struggle for the liberation of our lands, the glorious victory of our valiant army, the role of the media during the war, information warfare, raising awareness among student youth about the current situation, and conveying the truths of Karabakh to the international community.
In 2020, a total of 67 programs, original broadcasts, video clips, and other productions were prepared on BDU TV on topics including the aesthetic and moral education of students, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and more. In 2021, 61 such programs were produced.
Programs made in BSU TV in 2020
Programs made in BSU TV in 2021
Programs made in BSU TV in 2022
Programs made in BSU TV in 2023