Duties of the Department:

  • To ensure the security of the university’s information resources and databases.
  • To organize protection against unauthorized access to state or commercial secret information, as well as personal information of employees and students.
  • To prepare information and analytical materials about the state of the information security system and its development prospects at the university and present them to the authorities.
  • To ensure the security of the university's corporate network.
  • To provide education to users in the field of information security and offer them methodological assistance.
  • To implement preventive measures with the internet operator to prevent cyber-attacks in general internet traffic and report to the university authorities.
  • To analyze widely used software and technical equipment by university users for security and make recommendations regarding the elimination of identified weaknesses.
  • To take appropriate measures regarding electronic threats that have occurred and ensure information is delivered to the authorities.
  • To monitor internet traffic for corporate network management, monitoring and analysis, as well as accounting of internet traffic and ensuring the security of information systems.

Functions of the Department:

  • To regularly analyze the cyber security situation at the university.
  • To ensure the protection of collected electronic data.
  • To collect and analyze information received from users, manufacturers of software and technical equipment, computer emergency response centers from local and foreign countries, and other sources regarding electronic threats and the software and technical tools used to prevent them.
  • To inform about electronic threats at the university level based on the study and analysis of international experience in cybersecurity, to prepare recommendations for selecting and implementing effective programs and technical tools to prevent illegal interference in information systems.
  • To collect and store information on electronic threats to prevent electronic threats against users, identify the sources of cyber-attacks, and take appropriate measures.
  • To analyze technological innovations applied to protect against possible electronic threats, newly emerging electronic threats, and the methods and means of their implementation.
  • To disseminate information about useful methods and means, as well as open-source software for providing cybersecurity.
  • To cooperate with software and technical equipment manufacturers, other similar structures, and organizations in the field of cybersecurity.
  • To conduct education and information activities in the field of cybersecurity.
  • To send department specialists to training to improve their preparation in the field of cybersecurity, and if necessary, send proposals to the authorities for conducting internal university training and seminars.
  • To participate in preparing technical conditions for developments carried out in university departments regarding the creation of reliable information technologies that meet information security requirements.
  • To monitor compliance with regulatory requirements to protect information, use technical means, and prevent unauthorized access to confidential information.
  • To propose the development, implementation, and improvement of information security systems, taking into account the possible costs of material, financial, and human resources of the university.
  • To control the rational use and protection of special equipment and programs for data protection.
  • To organize the certification of hardware, programs, and algorithms for compliance with data protection requirements.
  • To determine the needs of university structural branches for equipment, software, material, financial, and other resources necessary for data protection.
  • To organize measures and monitoring to protect data at the university, effectively utilizing the material and financial resources allocated for these purposes, detecting and eliminating deficiencies.