The meeting of the Scientific Council of BSU on February 5, 2013
(protocol No. 1) was approved by decision

1.General provisions 

1.1. The Council of Young Scientists of Baku State University (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a public organization created to assist in the organization and coordination of the scientific activities of young scientists and researchers working and studying at BSU, as well as to develop their creative scientific and innovative activities. 

1.2. The activities of the Council are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science and education, the Charter of Baku State University, and these Regulations. 

1.3. These Regulations are approved by the rector based on the decision of the Scientific Council of BSU and come into force from the date of their approval. 

1.4. Addenda and amendments to these Regulations are discussed and adopted at the Scientific Council of BSU upon the submission of the Council and come into force after the rector approves. 

1.5. The Council may have an emblem, a seal, and letterheads with the full name of the Council. 

1.6. Founding, liquidation, or reorganization of the Council is carried out by order of the rector. 

 2.Objectives and responsibilities of the Council

2.1. The Council aims to engage young scientists and researchers in scientific activities, enhance their academic and professional skills, combine efforts to address current scientific issues and tackle priority scientific tasks, foster the innovative pursuits of young scientists, and assist them in fully realizing their creative potential. 

2.2. To fulfill its objectives, the Council undertakes the following responsibilities: 

  • Coordinates the research activities of young scientists and researchers across various faculties and scientific institutions at BSU. 
  • Oversees the scientific endeavors of young scientists and researchers within individual faculties and institutions at BSU, encouraging their active involvement in both fundamental and applied research. 
  • Organizes scientific conferences, seminars, forums, exhibitions, and other events that facilitate participation for young scientists and researchers. 
  • Engages young scientists and researchers in national and international scientific conferences, seminars, congresses, forums, exhibitions, and other events. 
  • Safeguards and advocates for the academic interests of young scientists. 
  • Establishes relationships with Councils of Young Scientists in other higher education institutions, research institutes, and scientific organizations within the republic, coordinating joint initiatives. 
  • Investigates, evaluates, and summarizes successful research and innovation practices at BSU, as well as in other educational and scientific institutions domestically and abroad, while promoting their dissemination and implementation. 
  • Supports the innovative endeavors of young scientists and researchers and suggests measures to enhance these activities. 
  • Facilitates the involvement of BSU’s young scientists and researchers in regional and international programs and projects. 
  • Assists in the organization of various public, scientific, cultural, sports, and health-related events. 
  • Promotes the cultural development of young scientists and researchers by engaging them in national and international cultural activities. 
  • Develops an information database on the research works, projects, and other initiatives conducted by young scientists and researchers affiliated with BSU. 
  • Engages in other activities that align with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and these Regulations. 

   3.Organization of the Council's Activities

3.1. The Council is comprised of young scientists and researchers from Baku State University. For the purposes of this Regulation, young scientists and researchers include teachers, research staff, doctoral candidates, students involved in scientific research, master's students, and other personnel working or studying at BSU who are under 40 years old. 

3.2. The Council consists of representatives from the various faculties and research institutions within BSU. Each faculty and institution is allowed to nominate one representative based on the recommendation of their respective scientific council. 

3.3. The rector must approve the composition of the Council. 

3.4. The Council's term is set for five years. 

3.5. The Chairperson of the Council oversees its activities. 

3.6. The Chairperson is elected during a general meeting of the Council through either open or secret voting and is subsequently approved by the rector upon the recommendation of the vice-rector for science and innovation. 

3.7. The Chairperson organizes the Council's activities in line with the approved annual work plan, represents the Council in various state, public, and other organizations, and supervises the work of Council members. 

3.8. The Chairperson designates one Council member as the Deputy Chairperson, who manages the Council's activities as directed by the Chairperson and within the scope of their authority. The Deputy Chairperson also assumes the Chairperson’s responsibilities in his/her absence. 

3.9. The Chairperson appoints one Council member to serve as the Secretary, who handles all documentation. 

3.10. Council members are expected to actively engage in the Council's activities and ensure that decisions made during Council meetings are executed in their respective faculties and institutions. 

3.11. Members who consistently fail to attend meetings, do not properly fulfill their responsibilities, or obstruct the Council’s normal operations may be removed from membership by a decision made during a Council meeting. 

3.12. The supreme governing body of the Council is the general meeting. Council meetings must occur at least once a month. A minimum of two-thirds of the Council members must be present to make decisions, and more than half of those present must vote in favor for a decision to be approved. 

3.13. An extraordinary meeting may be convened upon the written request of two-thirds of the Council members. 

 4.Council Rights


4.1. Participate in the development of documents and materials concerning the Council's activities. 

4.2. Attend events (meetings) organized by the BSU administration regarding matters related to the Council’s functions. 

4.3. Request necessary information and access documents from relevant BSU structures and institutions to carry out the responsibilities outlined in this Regulation. 

4.4. Notify the supervising leadership of any identified issues and deficiencies in the execution of their rights and responsibilities, as well as propose potential solutions. 

4.5. Suggest improvements for the Council’s activities related to achieving the objectives set forth in this Regulation. 

4.6. Present proposals and recommendations concerning the recognition of young scientists who excel in research and educational endeavors, including suggestions for enhancing their living conditions. 

4.7. Review draft decisions pertinent to its functions. 

 5.Knowledge and personal qualities of Council members


5.1. Council members must exhibit a cultured demeanor, comply with the established discipline policies at BSU, and serve as role models in their conduct and adherence to moral and ethical standards. 

5.2. To competently fulfill the responsibilities outlined in this Regulation, Council members should possess knowledge and skills in the following areas: 

  • utilization of information and communication technologies;
  • key aspects of the Bologna Process and the European Credit Transfer System;
  • relevant legislative frameworks governing scientific activity and higher education;
  • pedagogical and psychological principles;
  • principles of organization of scientific activities, teaching and trainin;
  • pertinent normative documents from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • understanding of BSU’s Charter;
  • awareness of the Academic Council’s decisions and the rector's relevant directives concerning the organization of science and education at BSU;
  • comprehension of the normative and legal documents that pertain to the rights and responsibilities of the Council.

 6.Council funding

6.1. The Council is funded through the following sources: 

  • allocations from BSU;
  • voluntary contributions from local and international legal and natural persons in accordance with the law;
  • grants and other financial support from foreign governments and international organizations, in accordance with the law;
  • any other legally permissible sources.