The Research Institute of Physics Problems at Baku State University was established in 2005 from the research laboratories of the Faculty of Physics, which focused on areas such as semiconductor physics, quantum chemistry, amorphous films physics, solid-state electronics, physical chemistry of macromolecule solutions, molecular biophysics, high-energy physics, liquid crystals, Fraunhofer spectrum of the Sun, and ozone generators. Since 2019, the institute has included departments of condensed matter physics, theoretical physics, and biophysics, conducting both theoretical and experimental research. The institutes research outcomes have been published in prestigious scientific journals and presented at international conferences, symposiums, and seminars in countries like the USA, France, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan. The institute collaborates with institutions such as Imperial College and Durham University in England, the universities of Bochum, Regensburg, Wuppertal, and Kaiserslautern in Germany, École Polytechnique and the Institute of Nuclear Research in France, the Department of Molecular Biology and Bioorganic Chemistry of Moscow State University, the Institute of High Energy Physics RAS in Russia, the universities of Istanbul and Erciyes in Turkey, the Institute of Mathematics and Physics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, St. Petersburg Physical-Technical Institute, and the Institute of Physics and Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education.