At Baki State University (BSU), the issues of improving the management of teaching, creating modern management mechanisms, strengthening human resources potential, and organizing the teaching process according to optimal requirements were extensively discussed at the meeting of the BSU Scientific Council on October 9, 2019. It was decided to establish the Centre for Teaching Organization and Management. Based on the Decision of the BSU Scientific Council dated October 9, 2019, and the "Charter of Baki State University" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 16, 2019, under the Order R-141 dated November 4, 2019, the Centre for Teaching Organization and Management was created.
Main Directions of the Centre’s Activities
- Ensuring interaction between the University’s structural units during the development of the University’s main teaching documents – curriculum and working curricula, based on state education standards;
- Analysis and generalization of information on the management of the teaching process and preparation of decisions for the Rectorate;
- Justified planning and organization of the teaching process;
- Information support for the supervision system of the teaching process and specialist training in all forms of teaching;
- Continuous improvement of normative-methodical documents related to the teaching process;
- Supervision of the use of teaching areas of the University;
- Coordination of the activities of all structural units to ensure optimal organization of the teaching process.
Main Responsibilities of the Centre
- Ensuring the effective organization and supervision of the teaching process in accordance with existing standards;
- Registering documents received by the Centre and ensuring their distribution among relevant structures, as well as overseeing the execution of these documents;
- Organizing the teaching process at a high level and in compliance with existing standards;
- Preparing projections for admissions to BSU (including BSU’s Qazakh branch) and organizing teaching in cooperation with the Qazakh branch;
- Developing and presenting curriculum plans for specialties based on state education standards for approval by University management;
- Planning and preparing schedules for the teaching process, examination sessions, and State Attestation Commission;
- Drafting guiding orders for the Rector regarding the teaching process;
- Preparing draft orders for student admissions, expulsions, reinstatements, and other academic administrative matters based on presentations from faculty deans;
- Ensuring student mobility through comparative analysis of education programs with other internal and external universities, and preparing recommendations regarding credit transfers;
- Collecting data on students exempted from tuition fees and preparing orders for their exemption;
- Managing grades of students in a unified electronic database;
- Entering information about current, expelled, and transferred students into the Student Alumni State Electronic Information System;
- Eyni zamanda təhsil alan, xaric olunan, digər ali təhsil müəssisəsindən köçürülən və s. tələbələr, məzunlar haqqında məlumatların Tələbə Məzun Dövlət Elektron Məlumat Sisteminə yerləşdirilməsi;
- Uploading information about alumni via the portal;
- Implementing current and interim assessments of students’ knowledge across all bachelor’s programs;
- Monitoring adherence to teaching discipline by faculty and students;
- Organizing anonymous and voluntary evaluation of faculty and students;
- Training academic advisors (tutors) and providing feedback during their recruitment;
- Organizing and supervising examination sessions, and summarizing and analyzing results;
- Assisting the examination headquarters during examination sessions;
- Supervising State Attestation Commissions and summarizing and analyzing their results based on reports from the chairpersons;
- Issuing diplomas, academic certificates, diploma duplicates, and student cards, and organizing other necessary documentation;
- Preparing calculations and other documents for the formation of department staff, monitoring compliance with teaching plans and workloads, and ensuring the fulfillment of teaching loads;
- Monitoring the daily accounting of classes conducted by hourly-paid teachers and overseeing payroll;
- Inspecting teaching and methodological work on specific issues and participating in control measures based on the Rectorate’s plan;
- Corresponding with the Ministry of Education and other agencies, and handling communications with citizens regarding teaching issues;
- Preparing and archiving students' personal files, and preparing documents for students transferred to other higher education institutions;
- Monitoring the condition and effective use of classroom facilities;
- Preparing state statistical reports;
- Organizing and overseeing educational, industrial, and pedagogical practices, establishing agreements with practice bases, monitoring practice progress, and accepting practice reports;
- Handling documents for additional education (repeated higher education, retraining education), preparing orders for admission, and supervising the educational process for admitted individuals;
- Organizing tests and written exams for distance learning students, and overseeing their evaluation;
- Carrying out necessary work for state accreditation preparation and preparing essential materials and self-assessment indicators.